CONTECH ENGINEERING, Inc. has been a member with the
United States Green Building Council since 2010.  As a full member
Contech promotes the ideals and awareness of LEED
® Building
Accreditation and Certification.

In 2011, CONTECH ENGINEERING, Inc. became a full member of the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.  As part of our membership with ABC, Inc. we strive in providing a superior product for our clients, working with other professional contracting firms.

With CONTECH ENGINEERING, Inc., membership with the American Concrete Institute, we receive the latest technological Research & Development improvements, advancing the standards and concepts in the concrete industry.

Through our membership with the General Contractors Association of Hawaii, we continually receive the latest legislative and industry information as it relates to and how it affects the construction contracting industry. 

License - aBC 25205